What Should You Ask the Interviewer?
A job interview will quickly disintegrate into an interrogation or monologue unless you ask some high quality questions of your own. Candidate questions are the lifeblood of any successful interview, because they create dialogue and [...]
Four Classic Interview Questions—and How to Prepare for Them
Experienced job seekers know there are four basic types of interview questions—and they prepare accordingly. First, there are the resume questions. These relate to your past experience, skills, job responsibilities, education, upbringing, personal interests, and [...]
How to Answer Interview Questions
Here are eight of the most commonly asked (and basic) interviewing questions. Do yourself and the prospective employer a favor, and give them some thought before the interview occurs. Why do you want this job? [...]
How Do I Discuss the Subject of Money?
During the employment interview, there’s a good chance you’ll be asked about your current and expected level of compensation. Here’s the way to handle the following questions: Question: What are you currently earning? Answer: “My [...]
Don’t Talk Yourself Out of a Job
There are two ways to answer interview questions: the short version and the long version. When a question is open-ended, I always suggest to candidates that they say, “Let me give you the short version. [...]
The Secret to Interview Success
Assuming you’re qualified for the job, the outcome of your employment interview will be dependent on your ability to discover needs and empathize with the interviewer. You can do this by asking questions that verify [...]
Career Strategy: It Pays to Diversify
Would you dump your life savings—every single dollar—into a single stock? Probably not; it’s far too risky to put all your eggs in one investment basket. And yet, you’d be surprised how many people manage [...]
The Dangers of Resume Overkill
Nearly everything written about resume design concentrates on what you should put in. But let’s look at what should be left out, or at least minimized. Item #1: Salary history or salary requirements. I’ve never [...]
The Strategic Case for Changing Jobs
There are many deeply personal reasons to change your employment situation. However, from a purely strategic point of view, there are four good reasons to change jobs within the same (or similar) industry three times [...]
Salary Negotiation Techniques
The best approach to putting the deal together is to decide whether you want the job before an offer is extended. This allows you to clarify whether the job suits your needs. Unless you’re motivated [...]
Beefing Up an Anemic Resume
To get the most mileage out of your resume, you’ll want to emphasize certain aspects of your background. By doing so, you’ll present your qualifications in the most favorable light, and help give the employer [...]
Your Next Job: What Does it Really Pay?
Compensation will be a key factor in your decision whether to accept a new position. However, few people take the time to really understand their economic choices, mostly because there are so many hidden factors, [...]